Ok, I have a new problem that I have to address after experimenting with AMP. It seems that AMP broke Google Analytics and AdSense. In fact, I lost more than half of my income from CrossingColorado.com after installing AMP. Here is how I’m going to fix it.
Google Analytics Tracking in AMP
Since installing AMP, I’ve seen a sharp dip in traffic on both WriterSanctuary and CrossingColorado. In fact, Analytics is no longer tracking mobile device users.
According to AMP, using Google Site Kit to automatically inject the UA tracking code from Analytics fixes mobile tracking.
If you install Google Site Kit, you can edit the Analytics property to inject the tracking code. But, you’ll have to remove the tracking code from anywhere else you might be using it in WordPress.
In my situation, I removed it from ExactMetrics. So, I guess we’ll keep an eye on it to see if it actually fixes the problem. And from what I’ve seen over the past 30 minutes, mobile users are being reported again.
So, it looks like that solved the Analytics problem thus far. But, I’ll still take a look in a few days just to make sure.
Historically, mobile users make up 36.81% of all traffic to WriterSanctuary. On CrossingColorado, they make up 60.27% of all traffic. And since AdSense is broken, no wonder why I’ve lost ad revenue.
Getting Ads Back Onto AMP Pages
I was able to get ads back onto CrossingColorado by selecting the “Let Google place display ads on your AMP sites.” However, it doesn’t look very nice and has way more ads on the posts that I originally wanted. In fact, all of my sites connected to AdSense are showing this abundance of advertisements.
I thought Google hated when people loaded up web pages with ads. But, it’s OK when they do it.
You can access this element by clicking the option from AdSense’s Overview page.
WriterSanctuary Showing AMP Ads
According to AdSense, WriterSanctuary was the only site that was making money from AMP ads. This is probably because I’m using Advanced Ads and have it set to convert to AMP ads automatically.
Still, I’m kind of curious to see how many ads I show now that I enabled AMP ads in AdSense.
Fixing AMP Ads without Advanced Ads Pro
WriterSanctuary is the only blog that has the pro version of Advanced Ads. This means if I want to fix the issue of AMP not showing the ads on the other sites, I need to come up with a solution.
Or, I can set to not show the Advanced Ads manager on mobile devices and hope the AMP Auto ads replaces the lost income.
I suppose that might be the better course of action, really. I can still use Advanced Ads to show banners to my YouTube channels and affiliates. Then, just let AdSense manage the mobile versions.
It would be a hell of a lot less work on me, that is for sure.
Still, I would like to know that there is a solution to this. So, I’ll still keep looking to see if I can find one.